Our tools will help you fly
We have 32 totally original pitch deck tools to help you crack the tricky problems that ruin most decks. You won't find these or anything like them anywhere else. They are packed with insider insights from the team that helped start-ups that raised over $1bn. Some tools are simple, others more involved. They are all easy to use. Each takes you through a clear step-by-step process, offering tips and guidance to ensure you create the compelling outcomes you need.
If you want these tools check out our pitch deck course.

U2R Investment Pitcher
Before you dive into the detail of your pitch deck, it helps to distil the essence of your pitch. What will ultimately swing it or lose it? The U2R Investment Pitcher helps you identify these and explains how to use the output.
U2R Investment Thesis Generator
Your deck needs to present a compelling case for investment. The U2R Investment Thesis Generator helps you build this by answering seven big questions beforing guiding you to support and assess risk, so you don't lose investors as they go through your deck.

U2R Success Probability Calculator
Early stage start-ups are risky enterprises. It helps to be able to quantify this, based on how likely you are to succeed in the major battles you face. The U2R Success Probably Calculator does this and gives you both an idea of whether it is likely to be within an acceptable risk range and prompts you to improve your chances with a mitigation plan.
U2R Story Headliner
Investors are human, which means they are influenced by compelling stories. Most founders struggle to get the storytelling balance right. Rather than trying to turn your existing creds deck into a story, you should create a brilliant investment story and turn this into a pitch deck. The U2R Story Headliner shows you how to create a winning structure and storyline by answering a few simple questions.

U2R Pre-Design Deck Template
Pitch decks are a test of your thinking, not a design challenge. It helps to know what you need to include on each slide and the relative importance of each element. The U2R Pre-Design Deck Template provides some simple layouts for you to use to structure your thinking. When you have crafted your deck it acts as the perfect brief for designers.
U2R Purpose Finder
Successful start-ups are both visionary and purpose driven. They have a clear idea about what is wrong with the world and how they are going to shape it. The U2R Purpose Finder uses a magic triangle to identify your core identity (vision, purpose and point of view). This get your deck off to a great start, help you create a strong brand narrative and accelerate your growth.

U2R Problem Sorter
Founders love solving problems. But not all problems are equal, and some are more appealing than others. Investors love big problems because they create big opportunity. The U2R Problem Sorter will help you identify the biggest problem you are solving, quantify it, and assess whether the commercial potential is likely to be enough to attract investment.
U2R Dynamic Market Mapper
Early stage investors are rarely experts in your sector. Even if they are, they want to know what you think are the most important market dynamics and who you are competing against. The U2R Dynamic Market Mapper helps you identify the two most important market shifts, which are used as the axes for your market map. If you can convince investors that your reading of the market is right, you will have them hooked.

U2R Competition Spotter
Every start-up competes against someone. Investors cringe when they hear 'I have no competitors.' The U2R Competition Spotter will help you to impress them with your knowledge of your competitive set. It helps you understand who are your direct and indirect competitors, current and future. You can use this list to populate your market map.
U2R Value Creation Comparator
If you are in a crowded market space with several direct competitors, you need to show you have what it takes to take them on and beat them. This has nothing to do with the features your product offers, which can be easy copied. The U2R Value Creation Comparator helps you build a strategy canvas for your sector to identify your unique sources of customer value creation. Use these to create competitor comparisons that prove you have the winning formula.