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Daily Active User (DAU) / Monthly Active User (MAU) Ratio
Compound Montly Growth Rate
Burn Multiple
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Payback Ratio
Contribution Margin Lifetime Value (CM LTV) to Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Ratio
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‘Use these metrics to make sure you grow efficiently. This builds better businesses than growth at any cost.’
Marcus Exall, Angel Investor and Virgin Startup Investor in Residence
Our story
We help founders master the startup journey
Marcus, Nick and Andy are three experienced entrepreneurs and investors with a passion for helping founders. Having founded, grown, and sold our own businesses, and helped others do the same, we know how hard the journey is. We formed UP AND TO THE RIGHT to make the path easier for and ensure more founders achieve their ambitions.
We've distilled our experience into fantastic value courses, coaching and tools. These products will boost your startup know-how, helping you anticipate and overcome major challenges.